Mixed fermentation beer macerated with local apricot. Golden in color, fruity aroma and wild profile. 250 gr / l apricot.
Mixed fermentation beer macerated with local cherry. Reddish color, fruity aroma and wild profile. 250 gr / l of cherry.
Sour beer made with organic malts and hops, 25% white grapes from Almacelles and microorganisms from the skin of the grapes. Aged in oak barrels for 15 months.
Sour beer made with organic malts and hops, 25% red grapes from Almacelles and microorganisms from the skin of the grapes. Aged in oak barrels for 15 months.
Dark beer of mixed fermentation aged in oak barrels for 24 months and macerated with local figs “coll de dama”
Mixed fermentation copper beer aged in oak barrels for 18 months and macerated with dehydrated plums
Dark beer of mixed fermentation aged in oak barrels for 24 months
Imperial Berliner Weiss style sour beer with raspberries and cocoa
Berliner Weiss-style sour beer with a Dry Hopping that gives it a hop-like aroma.
Beer made with black currant, sour in the mouth and refreshing.
Pale Ale of golden color and low carbonation. On the palate medium body and slight bitterness that is balanced with the low alcohol content of the beer. Typically summer style, although it can be consumed all year round, it quenches thirst.
Blonde beer that stands out for its Belgian yeast that gives it a dry and spicy character. The amount of hops used gives it a citrus aroma and makes it very refreshing.
Indian Pale Ale made with rye, bitter and medium-bodied. The aromas and flavors are clearly reminiscent of pine resins with a finishing touch to stone fruits and tropical fruits, flavors that go well with the character of rye malt that at the same time compensates for the bitterness of hops.
Blonde beer that stands out for its aroma of hops, tropical fruits and pine resins. Dry in the mouth and not at all bitter, this IPA makes a recklessly refreshing beer.
Intense, strong, alcoholic and malty dark beer, with notes of chocolate, licorice, wood, whiskey and lightly coffee. Dense and persistent dark cinnamon foam. Aged in wooden boot.
Intense, strong, alcoholic and maltose dark beer, with notes of chocolate, licorice, wood, brandy and lightly coffee. Dense and persistent dark cinnamon foam. Aged in wooden boot.
Dark beer with aromas of brandy, wood, nuts and toffee. In the mouth it is warm and medium-bodied. Formerly known as barley wine, macerated with hazelnuts and aged in brandy barrels.
Beer made with local apricots. In aroma it is fruity and in the mouth acidic, light and very refreshing.
NOVA IMATGE DE LES ETIQUETES DE LA GRANJA CERVESERA LO VILOT. Presentem els nous dissenys de les nostres cerveses fixes, totes elles amb segell de venda de proximitat: BLAT ECO: Weissbier amb certificació ecològica ZATEC: Belgian Ale amb certificació sense gluten SANT JOSEPH: Pale Ale amb certificació ecològica i sense gluten TU RAY: IPA de […]
Craft brewery: day of open doors Activities presents at @benvingutsapages from @diariara. Open doors to our craft brewery and other agricultural activities. Days 9 and 10 of june. Link. The agricultural companies and farms open doors to the general public the days of Benvinguts a Pagès. Come to Almacelles and enjoy of @cervesa_lo_vilot @prunus_cerezas @carnsargaire and […]
Craft Beer Lo Vilot Interview with the program “Som Terra” by Pili Garcia about the craft beer Lo Vilot. Value-added Primary Sector Program, an EMMUMFM production for the local communication network. We have talked about the PITA prize, since we are winners of the agriculturebusiness awards, for the introduction of innovations in the processes of […]
Cooperatives and the Social Economy Lo Vilot Full Cercle Beer Project has a Report on TV3 about Cooperatives and the Social Economy. In the TV news, on the way to the cooperative of the work of @Ponent Coopera. If you are thinking about becoming a cooperative, you will talk to them, great work and advice. […]
The Repera. We repeat the award for the best beer at the Madroño fair. Berliner Weisse with pear from Lleida, col • collaboration with our friends @blackjackbeers from Manchester. Fira de la Cervesa Artesanal Catalana. We have participated 15 artisan producers that have shown our products. . As the two guided beer tastings, one in […]
More than 70 Catalan organic food companies participate in BioCultura Barcelona 2018 The organic sector demonstrates year after year that its commitment to respectful foods with health and the environment is not a fad but an unstoppable train that goes at full speed, as the slogan of Bioculture of this year says. We have […]
Lo Vilot de Almacelles has been the first micromaltery of organic production in Catalonia A paragliding accident would change your life. Quiònia Pujol and Óscar Mogilnicki have created Lo Vilot, the first Farm Brewery in Spain. They make beer with raw materials that they themselves produce at Almacelles farm, a project for which they have […]
This “brewery farm” has sustainability and proximity as pillars. Lo Vilot brews a dozen varieties of beer, with homegrown cereals. This year it opens for export. Lo Vilot is a unique craft brewery, because it uses its own raw material in the making. With the proximity and sustainability as axes, this two person Almacelles company […]
@cervesa_Lo_Vilot together with Cervezas Popaire de Blanes we were invited to the TV in the Ben Trobats contest and we won a medal. Video. Punt Avui TV is a generalist television channel based in Sant Just Desvern (Barcelona). The channel began its regular broadcasts on Sant Jordi day of 2014. The channel is available through […]
Medalla de oro internacional para la TROPICAL FUNKY una cerveza Ácida de Lo Vilot Farm Brewery elaborada con albaricoques y melocotones locales, Estilo: Hoppy Fruto Sour. Concurso realizado en Frankfurt – Alemania Descripción: Ale ácida, color albaricoque y afrutada. Temperatura 6-8ºC. Mezcla de estilos entre las cervezas ácidas con frutas y las Ipas. Elaborada con […]
Blog Trip organitzat per Catalunya Experience with the presence of diferents Bloggers, youtubers and journalists of England, EUA i Canada, with Martin Simon (Youtuber from England). Video , Video2. Also with the presence of James Besson (popular Blogger from England, who started Good Beer Hunting and recently won the Best Blogger Novell Award for the […]
It is a unique project throughout Europe. With our own organic ingredients, we grow ourselves. The concept of Farm Brewery is very extensive in Northern Europe and it is called to those breweries that produce some of its ingredients. In Lo Vilot Farm Brewery, let’s go a little further and do what we call Full […]
Quiònia Pujol and Oscar Mogilniqui have been interviewed in the radio program “Arrela” at 104.5FM to talk about the peculiarities of this award-winning handmade beer. Link.
AN ARTISANAL BEER FROM ALMACELLAS, INNOVATION AWARDS 2017 The introduction of a new business model based on adding value to the apples of second categories, the creation of a brewery and a demonstration garden in the nursery itself in the framework of a sustainable gardening, have been deserving of the award for the in Agro-alimentary […]
AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION AWARD 2017 LO VILOT FARM BREWERY. Located in Almacelles (Segrià) wins the prize for Agricultural technological innovation in the announcement of the year 2017 in the form in the agro-industry. The award is endowed with €6,000 for the implementation of innovations in the creation of a food-processing industry of beer (FULL CIRCLE […]
Lo Vilot beer and its handmade beers from Almacelles (Lleida), made from the own harvest of Hops and Citives. A couple of tireless and innovative in the art of making beer. Link.
Audio 1. Audio 2. Audio 3. Here we have the entire interview for the YouTube channel “The brewer factory”. We define with must be a km.0 to handmade beer until it reaches the bottle. Link.
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